What people say about us…

Testimonials about the work done by the volunteers of CASE Central (previously called ‘the Centre’) from users, members of the local community, professionals and others…

‘I recently visited Community, Advice, Support and Education (CASE), a brilliant charity in Hollingdean supporting residents on wide-ranging issues. In particular, CASE are champions of social justice, and their work often focuses on tackling poverty and hardship, as well as challenging unfair benefit decisions which have deprived people of the vital money they are entitled to receive’.  Caroline Lucas MP, 25/11/19 (to read the whole blog click here).

‘Over the years the Centre has provided a valuable service… Many of the people that they help live in Hollingdean and as a local Councillor I have met hundreds of people who have received support from the Centre. I also refer people to them because of their expertise in welfare benefits advice’ Jeane Lepper, Cllr for Hollingdean, 24/2/15

‘I am always so impressed with the vast amount of time, dedication and support that is given to members of the community who have often in great need and would have no where else to turn’ Kelly Tomlinson , Unite Community Coordinator, 24/2/15

‘I just want to thank you and your service for the support and advice in challenging a recent Habitual Residency case on behalf of one of our clients and working closely with our staff and First Point Team. This is great partnership working at its best’ Sarah Smith, First Point Dorset, The YOU Trust, 22/1/18

Name: EG. Area: Brighton. Nationality/Cultural Background: British. ‘Thanks for all your support – CASE Central is an island of compassion in a sea of individualism/selfishness/ableism/classism/capitalism (take your pick!). Thought I’d give a little bit of support back. Keep up the good work!’ 27/7/18.










Name: BVC. Area: Hollingbury. Nationality/ Cultural Background: Spanish. ‘Hello, this statement is written by B. V. C., regarding to CASE Central and the problem with Jimmy’s Restaurant. Personally I have to say that they have been so helpful with everything. Had it not been for them none of the people involved in this case would have seen any coin. The way CASE people fight and the support that they give you is one of the biggest thing I have seen in my life’ 16/11/17.

Name: RB. Area: Hollingdean. Nationality/ Cultural Background: European. What has the Centre done for you?
1. Let me use the phone for bills.
2. Lent me books and clothes, and my friend got her TV from here!
3. Taken my girlfriend’s kids on trips they would never have had the chance to go on.
4. Helped me learn to use the computer.Would you like us to continue our activities in Hollingdean?  Yes please!!!

Name: RJ. Area: Hollingdean. Nationality: British. What has the Centre done for you? I am deaf and have [no] phone or internet access so the Centre is vital for me to contact and make phone calls on my behalf to various government agencies. Would you like us to continue our activities in Hollingdean? Yes very much.

Name: Undisclosed. Area: Brighton. Nationality/ Cultural background: White British. ‘Just wanted to let you know I got a very nice letter giving me the high award for both components and for an ongoing period… It actually says they will contact in 2015 to make sure I am getting the right amount!!!!! WOW can than be right.  Thank you and Josephina so much. I can start to stop worrying so much and focus on getting well!!!!’.

Name: MF Area: Lewes Road Nationality/Cultural Background: British Indian. What has the Centre done for you? I have been a client regarding my claim for Child Tax Credit since 2008. I would like to stress that I am 110% satisfied with the help and respect that I received in claiming my Child Tax Credit. I am a British Indian and my husband is British Pakistani, my husband also received help and support from the Centre. My husband also felt very satisfied and felt that he was treated with politeness and respect by all the staff.

Name: Daniel. Nationality/Cultural Background: not disclosed. Area: Brighton. Summer outings 2017 monitoring forms. The most amazing educational time, a historical moment that is fun for the whole family. A day that never be forgotten. I am so happy to have this chance and I hope to have more.

Name: GP. Nationality/Cultural Background: family mixed – White British and Black African. Summer outings 2017 monitoring forms. Thank you for a wonderful family trip. Me and my children loved it, very educational, fun and exercise. Thank you for giving us the chance to be able to go.

Name: MN. Nationality/Cultural Background: White North African. Area: Hove. Herstmonceux 2017 monitoring forms.  Our family were very happy because we do something different in the school holiday. Thank you to give us chance to see some places we didn’t see before and I think without you we never see or visit these places. All staff in CASE Central are very friendly and helpful.

Child’s response to the Pocket Science Festival with CASE, 17 March 2018

Name: IC. Nationality/ Cultural Background: White British. Area: Brighton.
Thanks to the CASE Central team, we won the case against HMRC on working tax credit. Thank you again you are marvellous.

Name: MN. Nationality/Cultural Background: White North African. Area: Hove. Herstmonceux 2017 monitoring forms.  Our family were very happy because we do something different in the school holiday.

Name: KJ. Nationality/Cultural Background: not disclosed. Area: Whitehawk, Brighton. What has the centre done for you?  The centre has helped me lots of times. They helped me renew my benefits recently when I would have been lost with all the paperwork you have to fill out. Would you like us to continue our activity in Hollingdean?  Yes.

Name: VP
Cultural Background: Asian. This oasis of community minded people is a true blessing to the people of the area. Though I cannot come as often as I wish, my sister and her children get so much from this establishment. All the pushchairs and buggies, all the clothes the children wear, all their knowledge on computers, they got from the centre. They used to be mocked at school because of their accent and this made them avoid other children. But at the centre they made friends and went on outings together, and always returned happy. They stopped avoiding children at school as they no longer felt bad about their accent. They get presents at Christmas. It’s like their second family. I hope people appreciate the importance of the community spirit this place promotes and would be pleased if this was allowed to continue.

Name: YB. Area: Hollingdean. Nationality: British. The Centre has been a source of community connection – finding out what the local issues are. It’s also been great to have cheap internet access and printing capacity. I use the telephone to sort out Housing and other bill concerns and I have contacted the Centre advisors for support on a number of issues. Would you like us to continue our activity in Hollingdean? Definitely! It’s a great resource!

Name: J C. Area: Hollingdean. Nationality/ Cultural Background: British Anglo-Saxon. What has the Centre done for you? Many things!! Clothed and fed me on my initial arrival in Hollingdean. Would you like us to continue our activity in Hollingdean? Absolutely!! I’d be very sad (as well as without reading materials – books!).

Name: B. Area: Kemp Town. Nationality/ Cultural Background: Eastern European. Thanks for everything. You are fantastic women. I love you. Allah inshallah help you. XXX

Name: B. Area: Hollingdean. Nationality/Cultural Background: English. What has the Centre done for you? I sometimes got sandwiches and the occasional cup of tea plus speak to the staff when lonely as I am disabled and lack friends in the immediate area. Would you like us to continue our activity in Hollingdean? Yes Please!! I really, really would be at a ‘loss’ without their professional and kind guidance regarding housing and benefits.

Name: J Area: Central Coastal strip. Nationality/Cultural Background: Irish-English-Romany. What has the Centre done for you? Provided with informal benefits advice since 1998 plus a sense of solidarity. It can get isolating living in the town centre as the extremes of rich and poor get bigger. Provided great summer outings and winter pantomimes, through the children and families club over the years, which my two youngest children have benefited from. We couldn’t afford to do these things otherwise, but are feeling increasingly squeezed out of our seafront area. Would you like us to continue our activity? Yes, it’s very important for poorer areas of the city to have a focal point, true community support and a space to ‘look after themselves’ in.

Name: MF. Area: Hollingdean. Nationality: British. What has the Centre done for you? Phone calls, advice, Tax stuff. Would you like us to continue our activities in Hollingdean? Much needed.

Name: L (9 years old). Area: Hollingdean. Nationality: British. I like coming to the centre because you can read books, draw or play on computers, dress up, play with toys and make art, go on trips, and go to pantomimes plus there is Christmas parties and barbecues you can go to! And when it’s September you can go on holiday to the youth hostel…

Name: B. Area: Woodingdean. Nationality: British. What has the Centre done for you? I come in to the Centre for company, bread, cakes and to see my friends. Would you like us to continue our activities in Hollingdean? Yes as it’s the place I like to come to.

Name: RG. Area: Hollingdean. Nationality/Cultural Background: English. I felt that prior to the new changes the Centre became a coffee morning for gossips. NOW, HOWEVER, since the changes [CASE Central], it has a professional and confidential atmosphere where families feel they can trust the staff (with sometimes very upsetting issues). This is so valuable I would have no problems referring people for professional help. Would you like us to continue our activities in Hollingdean?  Very much, it is needed badly as a center point for issues that are private and difficult.

Name: DM. Nationality/Cultural Background: British/White South African. I have suffered from severe illness and depression and have faced very difficult times, the Centre has helped me to obtain advice and some funds to pay for my basic needs. Most importantly, because I suffer with anxiety, they were able to help with calming my mind and helping me resolve my worries. Many friends have also received essential support and guidance from the Centre. Would you like us to continue our activities in Hollingdean? Yes, it is an essential service for myself and friends and a support, advice point for the local community.

Name: KO. Area: Brighton. Nationality: British. What has the Centre done for you? Made phone calls to sort out benefits, used photocopier and was given food. Would you like us to continue our activity in Hollingdean? Yes.

Name: JA. Area: Seven Dials. Nationality/Cultural Background: Black African. What has the Centre done for you? Contact point for similar minded people. Valuable community centre for disadvantaged folk. Would you like us to continue our activity in Hollingdean? Yes, absolutely.

Name: KH. Area: Hollingdean. What has the Centre done for you? Help me with ESA and Tax. Use the phoned. Go on trips. and holidays. Making friends. I have lived here for 12 year always going on trips every year with my kids. Would you like us to continue our activities in Hollingdean?  Yes.

Name: EJ. Area: Hollingdean. Nationality: British. Since moving into Hollingdean with a young family 11 years ago, I have found the Centre to be an invaluable service & community base. We have had advice and support through the Centre and its wonderful volunteers! We have been on amazing trips & visits, that we otherwise we would be unable to afford. The welfare rights team are great and crucial for vulnerable people. The recycling and free clothing and books and toys are a Godsend. We do miss the fruit and veg though as it is hard to get in Hollingdean. Would you like us to continue our activity in Hollingdean?
Absolutely, definitely please! You provide an indispensable service. A crucial part of the community.